Experience Our Greatest Event for FREE

If you didn’t get to attend the sold-out Soaring 20s Summit—or if you want to relive all the best moments—the entire video library is free for a limited time!

Get In On The Action

Relive the Classes

With three educational tracks and more than 30 sessions, the Soaring 20s Summit offers hours of learning opportunities for every skill level. Watch every class on your own schedule, and replay your favorite sessions to master the material. With access to the video library, you get more than $1,000 in educational materials for free.


Learn from the Speakers

The Soaring 20s Summit brings more renowned speakers to the stage than any other event in the industry. Don’t miss the panel discussion with seven top executives sharing their unique perspectives on industry challenges or Kimberly Barton’s inspiring keynote about her journey to entrepreneurship.


Participate in the Celebration

From the opening ceremony to the incredible musical performances, we captured the energy of the Soaring 20s Summit in our free video library. Our high-quality recordings of every moment make you part of the audience again.


Don't Miss Out!

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I was on the fence about attending, but I’m so glad that I did. This whole experience has left me inspired, and I can’t wait to put into action everything I’ve learned.  

-Adrian Freeman

Don't miss this limited-time offer for FREE access to the video library!

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